Thu. 6. June 2024
07.00 pm – 10.00 pm
  • Business model
  • Prototyping

Becoming a CTO: Founding as a Developer


Please note that this event will be held in either English or German depending on the group of participants.

Evolute CX GmbH

Business model, Prototyping

Have you always wondered how to found a startup as a developer? Or how working in a startup differs from working in a corporate or agency? Do you already have an idea for your own product that you would like to bring to market? Would you like to benefit from the experience of an experienced CTO? Or are you simply looking for like-minded people and would like to network and exchange ideas with them?

If you can answer “yes” to at least one of these questions, then you definitely shouldn’t miss our event! After all, what could be better than an event for developers where you can chat and learn about the most exciting topics related to startups over a tasty kebab?

We have chosen a mix of talks and networking as the format. Our CTO Daniel will tell you how he came to Evolute and talk about his personal experiences as a founder before and during his time at Evolute. We will show you why it is definitely worth working in a startup and why big names are not always the best employers: Because there is a huge difference between the startup and the corporate world.

Everyone has what it takes to start up. Let the Evolute founders inspire you this evening!

We will invest the EUR 3 nominal fee per person in free kebabs (or a vegetarian alternative) for everyone.

Speaker: Daniel Engelhardt

Target groups
those interested in starting a business

Speditionstraße 15a

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